Jazz au Chellah

le Jazz au Chellah revient avec plus de nouveautés et de rencontres artistiques variées entre jazzmen européens et musiciens marocains. Depuis 1996, le Jazz au Chellah s’impose comme un événement incontournable de la scène culturelle du Maroc. Le festival est proposé par l’Union européenne au Maroc en partenariat avec le ministère de la Culture, la […]

Gnaoua Festival

Gnaoua Festival is a jazz, pop, rock, soul and contemporary world music festival in Morocco. Rooted in traditional North African culture, Gnaoua welcomes a diverse and unique selection of artists to the port city of Essaouira each year.For three days the city comes alive, bustling with markets, street performances, walkabout theatre and much, much more in an explosion […]


MAWAZINE – Les rbatis ont dû attraper un sacré coup de blues ce début de semaine, car la 16e édition du festival Mawazine Rythmes du Monde est bien finie. Reflétant la diversité musicale du festival, la soirée de clôture s’est faite en compagnie du chanteur de rock britannique Rod Stewart, du chanteur de reggae ivoirien […]


HUAWEI is a Chinese multinational networking, telecommunications equipment, and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, having overtaken Ericsson in 2012. In 2018, Huawei became 72nd of Fortune Global 500 in Fortune Magazine.

World Refugee Day and asylum seekers | GIZ Morocco

Morocco is no longer just a country of emigration – it is also a host country. An increasing number of people who are forced to flee their homes in other countries now seek asylum in Morocco. The number of people seeking asylum here has tripled in recent years. In April 2015 the figure stood at […]


The Youth Innovation Summit is a five-day event bringing young people to the forefront of sustainable development. 100 young talents will be selected to work together on creative and innovative solutions to some of Morocco’s biggest social and economic challenges in an Innovation Lab. The summit will culminate in a Youth Dialogue Festival, a public […]